Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gaim Plugin: Sendlog 0.1

This plugin is used to send the log of the current IM window to the user whose e-mail address is when the user types
as in IM window.

Get the readme.txt file first and read it completely before you get and use the plugin.

Get the GNU/Linux binary (.so), source, some additional required files, (and readme.txt) in a compressed file here.

Update: Memory allocation bug detected. Version 0.02 will be out soon to correct this.
Change the [1000] to something higher (or allocate dynamically) and recompile before use, else Gaim will crash if you put/get messages bigger than 1000 chars. If you can't do this, do not use this plugin in version 0.01.

1 comment:

Devadutta Ghat said...
