Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Two days before Sankranthi (Jan 14th 2007 if I remember correctly), there was a noticable shift in temperature indicating the change of season from winter to summer.
And now, two days before Vishu/Bihu/Baisakhi, on the 11th of April, it rained for the first time this year at Bengalooru. The first evening it didn't rain so heavily, but the second evening had people witnessing an amazing amount of lightning strikes, thunder and a somewhat heavy downpour. There was so much lightning that I manage to capture some of it.

Look here:

As a technical note, I used VirtualDub to time-crop, remove the audio and slow down and rotate the video to 1/3 of the original speed it would have played at otherwise.

Time-cropping is done using Video->Select Range (don't worry about the end-offset not totalling to start-offset + length - just set the latter two correctly in milliseconds and it should work fine).

Audio removal is done by just selecting Audio->No Audio.

Slowing down is done by changing Video->Frame Rate->Source rate adjustment and selecting Change to ... frames per second where ... would be 15,10 etc. depending on how slow you want the video to be (if the input video is at 30 fps, say).

Rotation of the video (to the right by 90deg) is done by choosing it in Video->Filters->Add->Rotate.

1 comment:

Devadutta Ghat said...

1. why dont you directly embed the youtube videos on to the page?

2. Nice videos. But the fun is in capturing a still image of the lightning. Ii have managed to take a few shots and the satisfaction it gives is immense :)